EVENT 2024 at Gladstone's Library

Please note - we are experiencing a problem with our online booking system. Please email [email protected] with your name, phone number and ticket requirements and we will contact you early w/c Monday 9th September.
Event 2024 -Gladstone’s Library Victorian Studies conference
On the 11th and 12th of September 2024 Gladstone’s Library is hosting a Victorian Studies conference on the subject of Victorian 'moments of change'.
The conference is part of Event 2024 – an experiment in hosting a sustainable global Victorian Studies event. Organised by the international Victorian Studies organisations BAVS, NAVSA, AVSA, VI, and DACH-V, Event 2024 consists of central monthly online talks and panels, followed by in-person, two-day conferences at seventeen local hubs across the world. Gladstone’s Library is very excited to be one of these hubs.
Gladstone's Library will host one and a half days of talks from academics, students, independent researchers, and heritage professionals, as well as an on-site Heritage Fair for organisations from the North-West with Victorian collections to advertise their holdings and to foster research and public engagement connections between heritage organisations and researchers.
After all of the hub events, talks from the online events and seventeen global hubs will be placed online in COVE (Collaborative Organization for Virtual Education), an online annotation platform that allows attendees to read and comment on all of the papers.
Keynote speakers
Keynote speakers at the Gladstone’s Library hub include Deborah Wynne (Professor, University of Chester), Holly Kirby (Collections Assistant, Attingham Park, and Visiting Lecturer, University of Chester), Mike Sanders (Professor, University of Manchester), and Michael Wheeler (Visiting Professor, University of Southampton).
Heritage Fair organisations
Are you currently working on a Victorian project or in the early stages of planning one? This is your opportunity to find collections that may be helpful for you and to pick the brains of the professionals who manage them.
Visiting heritage organisations at the Gladstone's Library hub will include:
- John Rylands Research Institute and Library
- the Portico Library
- Manchester Metropolitan Special Collections Museum
- North East Wales Archives
- Cheshire Archives
- the Walker Art Gallery
- Edge Hill University Archives
- Liverpool Central Library and Archive
- University of Liverpool Archives and Special Collections
- Liverpool John Moores University
- St Helen’s Archive Service
- Unilever Archives
- Wirral Archives Service
You can view the full schedule for the Gladstone's Library hub here.
You can buy your ticket for the Gladstone's Library hub here.
Two-day tickets for the Gladstone's Library hub (this includes attendance at all panels and the Heritage Fair, as well as tea/filter coffee and a two-course lunch in our on-site restaurant on both days, and two-course dinner in our on-site restaurant on the 11th) are £100
One-day tickets for the Gladstone's Library hub on Wednesday the 11th (includes attendance at all panels, plus tea/filter coffee, and a two-course hot lunch in our on-site restaurant on Wednesday the 11th) are £40.
One-day tickets for the Gladstone's Library hub on Thursday the 12th (includes attendance at all panels and the Heritage Fair, plus tea/filter coffee, and a two-course hot lunch in our on-site restaurant on Thursday the 12th) are £40.
Please confirm whether your are a BAVS membership in the 'Notes' section of the booking link when you book tickets on our website.
To register for the central online talks and panels and to have access to all of the talks from all of the global hubs through COVE, please visit https://www.event2024.org/registration/ to purchase a central ticket.
British Association for Victorian Studies
BAVS is the leading organisation for Victorian Studies in the UK. It is a multidisciplinary organisation dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge about the Victorian period. It has over 600 members based in the UK and beyond, drawn from the academic community, the heritage and teaching professions, and the general public. Its members have a wide range of interests in the nineteenth century, including art history, cultural studies, history, literary studies, performance studies, and the history of medicine and science.
As the conference is partially sponsored by the British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS), attendees should be members of the organisation. If you aren't already a member of BAVS, it is open to independent researchers, academics, students, and heritage professionals with an interest in Victorian Studies and can be joined here for only £25 (£10 if you are a student or unwaged). Becoming a member gives you access to funding provided by the association for events, public engagement activities, and research trips, as well as the BAVS newsletter with updates about new publications in the field of Victorian Studies and Victorian Studies events, as well as BAVS’ own events and usual annual conference.
Accommodation at Gladstone's Library
All bedrooms on the 11th and 12th have been set aside for event attendees. Accommodation can be booked via the Library’s Reception by emailing [email protected] or calling the Library’s Reception on +44 (0)1244 532350. Accommodation is available on a B&B basis.
We would recommend you book your accommodation before buying your conference ticket if you are planning to stay at the Library.
Students and members of the Society of Authors receive a 40% discount on room prices, and we ask that you bring proof of eligibility at check-in.
Single, double, twin, and family rooms are available and all room bookings include a continental breakfast. Accessible bedrooms with en-suite, wet-room-style bathrooms and grab handles are available on the ground floor.