Founder's Day 2016 - Liberal Faith: An Oxymoron? - SOLD OUT

Does religion still have a role in promoting liberal values or has the torch passed to those who describe themselves as ‘non-religious’? Are secular rather than religious rites of passage now more appropriate in contemporary Britain? These and other questions will be grappled with by our panel:
Zia Chaudhry
Andrew Copson
Martyn Percy
Linda Woodhead
Zia Chaudhry
Zia Chaudhry is a British-born Muslim. Having grown up in Liverpool, he went on to establish his legal career there as a barrister. Zia has been actively involved in interfaith work for over 15 years, with a particular emphasis on dispelling misunderstanding about Islam. In 2007, he founded the Spirit of Cordoba, a charity seeking to rekindle the spirit of co-operation between the Abrahamic faiths in Muslim Spain. A frequent broadcaster, Zia is the author of Just Your Average Muslim.
Andrew Copson
Andrew is Chief Executive of the British Humanist Association. His writing on humanist and secularist issues has appeared in the Guardian, the Independent, The Times and New Statesman as well as in various journals and he has represented the BHA and Humanism extensively on television news and radio. He is a former director of the European Humanist Federation and is currently a Vice President of the International Humanist and Ethical Union. Together with A C Grayling, Andrew edited the Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Humanism.
Martyn Percy
Martyn is Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. Educated at the Universities of Bristol, Durham, London (King’s) and Sheffield, he trained for ordination after a career in publishing. Martyn is a member of the Faculty of Theology at Oxford University, Professor of Theological Education at King’s College London and Professorial Research Fellow at Heythrop College, University of London. His recent books include Anglicanism: Confidence, Commitment and Communion and Thirty-Nine New Articles: An Anglican Landscape of Faith.
Linda Woodhead
Linda is co-director of the Institute for Social Futures at Lancaster University, and co-founder of the Westminster Faith Debates. Linda is a specialist on contemporary religion, values and society and she is best known for her work on religions, beliefs and values in the UK, Contemporary Christianity worldwide, the rise of alternative spiritualities and ‘no religion,’ religious extremism and the regulation of religion, religion, gender and power and the future of religion and values. Her recent books include That was the Church, that was: How the Church of England lost the English People, A Sociology of Prayer, Christianity: A Very Short Introduction, and Everyday Lived Islam in Europe.
Tickets for this event are priced at £15 including strawberry tea and are extremely limited.
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