2021 Writers in Residence Launch Evening

This event takes place at 6pm on Monday December 6th.
Join us for the official launch of our 2022 Writers in Residence programme.
The Writers in Residence scheme was first established by Gladstone’s Library and Damian Barr, salonnière and author of Maggie and Me, in 2011, making this the 10th anniversary of the first launch.
Our four Writers in Residence and the Political Writers in Residence for 2022 will be announced at this event.
Join us for an evening of readings and conversation. To register your interest, please email [email protected]g or simply pre-register on Zoom by copy and pasting this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_n4Y3nYE_TpecYdmoZLHTEg
We hope to see you there!