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Coronavirus Update

by Gladstones Library | Monday, 27th July 2020

It is with great sadness that we have had to close Gladstone’s Library and cancel our events, residencies and courses for the remainder of 2020. We very much look forward to happier times and to your visits in the future. During this period of closure, we are working on ways to keep our Gladstone’s Library community together through our online presence so please look out for updates and content from us over the coming months.  

On Running and Writing by Charlotte Higgins

by Gladstones Library | Sunday, 05th April 2020

I have an antagonistic relationship with “writing tips” – the ones you find on literary blogs or on Twitter or in newspapers (including, on occasion, the one for which I work, the Guardian).

    Update from Gladstone's Library regarding Covid-19, Coronavirus

    by Gladstones Library | Wednesday, 18th March 2020

    Due to the escalation of the situation with Covid-19 Coronavirus and in line with government recommendations, reluctantly we have had to take the decision to close our doors to the public temporarily. We have done this because the safety of our staff and visitors is paramount to us. 

      Record breaking year for Gladstone’s Library

      by Gladstones Library | Saturday, 25th January 2020

      2019 saw a record number of visitors welcomed to Gladstone’s Library. Over 13, 000 visitors came through the doors over the last 12 months to visit the Reading Rooms of north Wales' literary gem.