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by Gladstones Library | Wednesday, 18th September 2019
At Gladstone’s Library, we know Virginia Woolf’s quote, ‘one cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well’ to be true.
by Gladstones Library | Wednesday, 18th September 2019
At Gladstone’s Library, we know Virginia Woolf’s quote, ‘one cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well’ to be true.
by Rhian Waller | Sunday, 01st September 2019
William Gladstone (who lived until he was 88) read 22,000 books in his life. They like telling people this fact when they arrive at the Library, I suppose, because they like to see how their faces contort as they try to do the maths. Let me save you the trouble – it works out at around a book a day, for most of his adult life.