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The latest news and views from Gladstone's Library.
Father's Day at Gladstone's Library
A Series of Unfortunate Events

by Rhian Waller | Tuesday, 30th May 2017
Interns at Gladstone’s Library are encouraged to contribute periodic blogs on aspects of William Gladstone, the Library and its collections which really spark their interest or tie in with their own areas of expertise.
With the acquisition of the British Crime Writing Archives at Gladstone’s Library and our first ever Alibis in the Archive event taking place to launch that archive (now SOLD OUT!), Intern Danielle set about coming up with a murder mystery of her own to really get into the criminal spirit of things to come…
Our Friends sign-up regulations are changing

by Rhian Waller | Wednesday, 17th May 2017
Please note that the sign-up regulations for Friends of the Library are changing.
Following advice from our insurers, Gladstone’s Library is now only able to accept Friend applications from individuals in Year 12 and above. As the Reading Rooms at Gladstone’s Library are unstaffed after 5pm, unfortunately individuals under this age are not permitted to remain in this unsupervised area due to safeguarding issues.
Interview: Fierce Imaginings with Rachel Mann

by Rhian Waller | Tuesday, 09th May 2017
Rachel Mann has worked as Teaching Fellow in the Philosophy Department at Lancaster University and holds qualifications in Theology and Creative Writing / English Literature. She began writing poetry, liturgy and short stories in the late nineties and has also written feminist liturgical theology, cultural history and is a regular contributor to the Church Times. Rachel has published three books; Fierce Imaginings, Dazzling Darkness and The Risen Dust as well as contributing to many others.
Voting: A blog by Warden Peter Francis

by Rhian Waller | Monday, 08th May 2017
A visitor to the Library has just shown me a glass plate made in 1869 to celebrate Gladstone being elected as Prime Minister. It is embossed with the slogan ‘Gladstone for the Million’, which is simply a way of saying ‘for the many’. It is just one of the many commemorative plates, jugs, cups and even chamber pots that were made in honour of Gladstone and offer striking testimony to his popularity.
Gladstone's Library in the New York Times!

by Rhian Waller | Monday, 08th May 2017
Gladstone's Library is delighted to have been featured in the New York Times (both online and in the physical paper!) in this wonderful piece about what Gladstone’s Library stands for. The title of the piece is ‘A Refuge for Liberal Values Beneath a Stern Victorian Gaze’...
Friends priority booking for Gladfest now open!
Special offer: dinner bed and breakfast, and a talk!

by Gladstones Library | Thursday, 04th May 2017
Caroline Shenton was Director of the Parliamentary Archives at Westminster from 2008 to 2014 and is our May Political Writer in Residence. On Tuesday, 9th May Caroline discusses The Day Parliament Burned Down in the great fire of 1834 in an evening talk in our beautiful Gladstone Room.