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Watch: Founder's Day 2016
Gladfest interview: Malcolm Guite

by Rhian Waller | Thursday, 11th August 2016
Malcolm Guite is a poet and a priest working as Chaplain of Girton College, Cambridge. He also teaches for the Divinity Faculty and for the Cambridge Theological Federation and lectures widely in England and North America on Theology and Literature. Malcolm works as a librettist for composer Kevin Flanagan and his Riprap Jazz Quartet, and has also worked in collaboration with American composer J.A.C. Redford, and Canadian singer-songwriter Steve Bell. He was the inaugural Artist in Residence at Duke Divinity School in the USA in September 2014, and ‘Visionary in Residence’ at Biola in Los Angeles in March 2015.
Let us treat you to dinner!

by Gladstones Library | Wednesday, 10th August 2016
Stay at Gladstone’s Library for a minimum of two consecutive nights between 28th August and 30th October and take advantage of our Sunday Special offer! As long as your stay includes a Sunday night, we will treat you to a FREE two course Sunday Dinner (served 6.45pm – 7.15pm).
Gladfest interview: Ian Parks

by Rhian Waller | Tuesday, 02nd August 2016
Ian Parks was one of the first Writers in Residence at Gladstone's Library in 2012. His collections of poems include Shell Island, The Landing Stage, Love Poems 1979-2009, and The Exile's House. He is the editor of Versions of the North: Contemporary Yorkshire Poetry and was Writing Fellow at De Montfort University, Leicester from 2012 - 2014.