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The latest news and views from Gladstone's Library.

Our New Additions

by Gladstones Library | Friday, 17th August 2012

The Library has added several books to its collection and is also now subscribing to four new periodicals: 'New Statesman', 'Spectator', 'Economist', and 'Prospect'.

The Faith Thing

by Gladstones Library | Wednesday, 23rd May 2012

So, what of faith? Theres no getting away from it here in the Library, from its actual founding, to the theology room in the library itself, to the event last night to open the Robinson Room; from St

Faithful Citizenship

by Gladstones Library | Friday, 13th April 2012

Todays post is courtesy of regular visitor to Gladstones Library, author Greg Garrett. His latest book on religion and politics, Faithful Citizenship, is out this week. It is dedicated to Gladstones L

Naomi takes stock

Thursday, 15th March 2012

Gladstone is everywhere in this building. Paintings, writings, sculptures, even a photograph or two. There's a statue of him in the library itself in which I swear he's doing the Saturday Nigh

Zombies, Run!

by Gladstones Library | Friday, 02nd March 2012

Here our Writer-In-Residence, Naomi Alderman talks about the new iPhone app which she has created with games studio Six to Start.

Books and Food

by Gladstones Library | Monday, 30th January 2012

We have a number of new events starting at the Library in February that we hope you will all come and take part in.Starting on February 12th, we are introducing a traditional Sunday Carvery t