Category: religion

A Christmas Message from the Warden

by Rhian Waller | Tuesday, 17th December 2024

As the year draws to a close and I look back over the past 12 months the two words that come to mind are hope and joy. That is not to say that there have not been challenges this year - leaky roofs, wobbly drains, cracks appearing where there should not be cracks and all the usual ups and downs of life at the Library! But alongside this there has been so much joy...

The Gladstone's Library Uncommon Calendar of Prayer: we need your input!

by Rhian Waller | Monday, 20th November 2017

The current resident Chaplain of Gladstone’s Library in November 2017 is working on a project - compiling names, a list of saints and friends of God - to include in an Uncommon Calendar of Prayer for Chapel services.

You are invited to participate in this project by submitting names of persons who have inspired your life in a most positive and decisive way.

Exploring the sexual revolution with Timothy Sedgwick

by Rhian Waller | Thursday, 21st April 2016

In June we welcome Timothy Sedgwick of the Virginia Theological Seminary to deliver a course exploring just that. Considering a history of the transformation of desire, body and society, and the aftermath of the revolution, this course runs 13th – 14th June 2016 and will be an open forum for ideas and discussion.

Chaplains at Gladstones Library

by Rhian Waller | Tuesday, 23rd September 2014

We are looking for Chaplains who are ‘inclusive’ in nature and ecumenical in spirit. The Library is host to clergy and laity of both sexes and from many traditions. It was Gladstone’

The Faith Thing

by Rhian Waller | Wednesday, 23rd May 2012

So, what of faith? Theres no getting away from it here in the Library, from its actual founding, to the theology room in the library itself, to the event last night to open the Robinson Room; from St

Faithful Citizenship

by Rhian Waller | Friday, 13th April 2012

Todays post is courtesy of regular visitor to Gladstones Library, author Greg Garrett. His latest book on religion and politics, Faithful Citizenship, is out this week.

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