Mindfulness: A Journey into Wholeness

This course will explore dimensions of mindfulness. It begins with a review of the mindful movement and its practices, then explores the concepts of mindfulness in dreams, mindfulness in healing and shamanic journeying. The weekend will be tailored to participants. Various experiential opportunities for engaging in mindfulness practices will be offered.

John Blackwell was a key figure teaching on the successful Mindfulness course in 2019 at Gladstone’s and he is returing to lead the course in 2020. John is Professor of Religion at Mount Olive University in North Carolina. He has a particular interest in Shamanic Journeying.

Click here to view the full programme.

Residential prices start from £270, non-residential £190. Discount rates for clergy and students apply.

For more information or to book, please call 01244 532350 or email [email protected].