From the Middle Passage to Black Lives Matter: Ancestral Writing as a Pedagogy of Hope - An Evening with Political Writer in Residence Marva McClean

Currently closed for booking
Gladstone’s Library works to be a space where perspectives are heard and shared. In this evening event, Political Writer in Residence Marva McClean discusses the powerfully restorative effect that happens when indigenous stories are shared and celebrated. How does the telling of stories empower those who hear them? Why do we get such a boost when we hear stories about those like us? Why is it so important for all of us to hear tales of our past – and what might happen if we never do? Inspired by models of resistance from the Maroons to Black Lives Matter, this event explores the cultural capital of marginalised groups and their capacity to resist, disrupt and prevail.
Marva McClean is a public school educator and teacher-researcher who utilizes a social justice platform to engage teachers and students in collaborative inquiry that creates spaces of empowerment and transformation. She argues that teaching is a political act and calls for the inclusion of the heroines and heroes of Indigenous cultures within the curriculum across the globe. Marva's research agenda focuses on Social Justice & Equity in Education; the Sociology of Middle School; Trans-continental & Post -Colonial Studies; Indigenous/Aboriginal Cultures & Maroonage. She engages in collaborative inquiry with international scholars to explore Indigeneity across the globe and create strategies to build the historical consciousness of youth in schools. She advocates for conscientization of curriculum and pedagogy to foster students’ ability to become agents of change. Marva's research brings critical considerations to preparing educators to achieve educational justice through innovative experiences such as fieldwork in post- colonial nations and underserved school communities, engaging students as knowledge producers and critics in the classroom.
Tickets are priced at £12 or £24 with dinner (2 courses, including tea / coffee).
On the rare occasion that Writer in Residence books are only available as hardback and/or academic publications, tickets will not include a complimentary copy of this book. Copies of the winning book will however be available at Gladstone's Library at a reduced price throughout the writer's residency.
Please note that tickets for this event are e-tickets. Book online and have your tickets emailed directly to you – then save the environment by bringing along your e-ticket on your phone or tablet and have it scanned as you enter the event. If you would prefer to print your ticket, black and white is fine.
A print and collect service is available to those without access to email facilities for a small charge to cover our admin costs. Call 01244 532350 or email [email protected] for more information. Printed tickets will be available to collect from Reception before the event.
Your book will be available to collect from Reception at or before the event.