Cleave the Wood and There I Am - CANCELLED

Please note this event has now been cancelled.
A retreat which uses woodcarvings and music to prompt imaginative reflection on life in a way that words alone cannot achieve. Christopher’s practice is to place one of his carvings without title or comment, and to invite participants to form their own reactions to it. Only then does Christopher offer his own interpretation, followed by music and reflective silence.
Christopher Lewis has been working with wood since the early 1970s when he was an Anglican missionary in Borneo and taught himself to make use of the huge variety of timber available there. It was 30 years before he realised others might take what he did seriously when, as a residentiary canon at Bradford Cathedral, he was invited to contribute some of his work to an exhibition there by local artists. Since his retirement in 2007 he has had much more time for carving, and his ministry of conducting retreats and quiet days using these carvings has taken him all over the country. In 2017 he used them to conduct the Annual Day of Prayer at Westminster Abbey.
Residential prices start from £230, non-residential from £160. Discount rates for clergy and students apply.
For more information or to book, please call 01244 532350 or email [email protected].